Struct StringCache

The string cache is used for string interning.

struct StringCache ;

It will only store a single copy of any string that it is asked to hold. Interned strings can be compared for equality by comparing their .ptr field.

Default and postbilt constructors are disabled. When a StringCache goes out of scope, the memory held by it is freed.


this ()
this (bucketCount)


intern (str) Caches a string.

See also


Test \x char sequence

auto toks = (string s) => byToken(cast(ubyte[])s);

// valid
immutable hex = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','A','B','C','D','E','F'];
auto source = "";
foreach (h1; hex)
    foreach (h2; hex)
        source ~= "'\\x" ~ h1 ~ h2 ~ "'";
assert (toks(source).filter!(t => t.type != tok!"characterLiteral").empty);

// invalid
assert (toks(`'\x'`).messages[0] == DLexer.Message(1,4,"Error: 2 hex digits expected.",true));
assert (toks(`'\x_'`).messages[0] == DLexer.Message(1,4,"Error: 2 hex digits expected.",true));
assert (toks(`'\xA'`).messages[0] == DLexer.Message(1,5,"Error: 2 hex digits expected.",true));
assert (toks(`'\xAY'`).messages[0] == DLexer.Message(1,5,"Error: 2 hex digits expected.",true));
assert (toks(`'\xXX'`).messages[0] == DLexer.Message(1,4,"Error: 2 hex digits expected.",true));